
Amnesia the dark descent refinery
Amnesia the dark descent refinery

We know that Alexander meant to trap Daniel so that the Shadow would find him and consume him whilst he escaped to the other world we also know that the Amnesia potion caused Daniel to pass out for a short while before later awakening and having next to no memory of his past. I've got a different explanation: Daniel was running from the Shadow.Perhaps he didn't think it would be wise for his memoryless self to wake up in the center of hell without a clue as to why he got there.So why take the amnesia potion and then travel all the way to the other side of the castle? Why not just stay where the orb was shattered?.To put it this way: if a leader of FARC kidnapped your best friend or teacher and held him or her hostage in a cave with the mutilated remains of his previous victims around in order to force you to help him build something, would you do it? Couple that with the fact that the reason Alex is on the planet at all is because he was thrown out from wherever his home was, and the fact that he remorselessly lies to Daniel and you for his own gain (something we have no evidence Weyer or Agrippa do), and you see the issues here.

amnesia the dark descent refinery

Considering the rest of Weyer and Agrippa's portrayals, they seem relatively decent (helping Daniel after he dies even if they had no concrete incentive to after Alexander died) and might have been willing to help had Alexander not gone for kidnapping and torturous hostage keeping. It's absolutely sane that Weyer would have issues giving in to a kidnapper's demands, and want to make sure he can guarantee Agrippa's safety as a condition of help. Also, keep in mind that the only reason this conversation took place was because ALEXANDER KIDNAPPED AGRIPPA in an attempt to get W*e*yer's assistance.That's not exactly "good guy" material there. Most of them probably criminals, true, but he had no qualms about taking innocent lives. All of that may be true, but Alexander was willing to torture and slaughter hundreds, thousands of people.I feel as if Wayer is a huge jerkass that just screwed Alexander over. But Wayer is all "Send me Agrippa! There is a big chance that I will just start completely ignoring you after that, but still, do it!" Alexander even agrees and starts working on it. Now he's stuck on Earth, sustaining his life for centuries, waiting for that jerk to help him. So how exactly is Alexander the bad guy here? From what we hear near the end, it seems that all he wants to do is go back home, which he can't do because Wayer stole that opportunity.

Amnesia the dark descent refinery